On Being a Writer: 12 Simple Habits for a Writing Life That Lasts

On Being a Writer: 12 Simple Habits for a Writing Life That Lasts
T. S. Poetry Press
Anne Kroeker, Charity Singleton Craig


Is your writing life all it can be? Let this book act as your personal coach, to explore the writing life you already have and the writing life you wish for, and close the gap between the two. Gain insights through helpful stories from the authors' established writing careers. Explore twelve simple (but vital) habits-through journaling, writing prompts, bonus activities, and discussion questions. The honest and witty stories help build a vision for a satisfying, sustainable writing life, while the prompts and activities on the twelve vital habits will help you make that life a reality. Also includes extra resources like "tools for the writing life," "recommended reading," "Artist Dates," "resources for writing a book proposal," and "resources for launching a writers group." Sage, surprising, endlessly useful! *** The Masters in Fine Living Series is designed to help people live a whole life through the power of reading, writing, and just plain living. Look for titles with the tabs read, write, live, play, learn, or grow-and join a culture of individuals interested in living deeply, richly.

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