Save Money Now! Do you have an Emergency Fund? Are you struggling to pay bills and living paycheck to paycheck? Are you sick and tired of not having any money and never being able to get ahead? Do you have debt? In my book I teach you that no matter how much money you are making there are ways to save and pay off your debt even without getting a raise or another job. I wrote this book to help others who may be struggling or just wish they could be debt free. No fluff, just common sense advice In this simple Step by Step Guide to Saving Your Way to a Better Life, you will learn: * How to get out of debt sooner and save at the same time! * How to manage your money better and put it where it should be * How to organize your finances so that you stay on track * Tips on how to save money on everyday items and even how to get FREE stuff and much more. This book is meant to be a guide on your savings journey and gives you resources that go beyond just this book and continue on the author's blog. TESTIMONIALS " "Saving Your Way to a Better Life is an excellent resource loaded with great information and ideas to help begin saving money if you are at a beginner level or save more money if you have already started a plan for better managing your money"-Anne" ""My goal for 2013 was the become debt free and read more. And I must say, this book helped accomplished that goal. I will take this reading, and the notes I retrieved from it, with me on my journey to a better me" "