Written by Ian Cooke and illustrated by Adam Singer, the story revolves around a flying mammal's attempts to win the heart of a flightless bird. Singer and Cooke built elements for the video out of organic materials, then photographed and added the elements for the final 6-minute-long animated final product. The book is built from images from the short film, and includes a CD and DVD of the short film, music videos, live footage, and documentaries. The package was produced by Ian O'Dougherty and will be released by Greater Than Collective.
The yom'saaganiim fruit bat is imagined to be a descendant of both cassowary and echidna. The androgynous characteristics of the “sky world” (abiir am) are said to be analogous to those of the “ancestral underworld” (kusem am), ...
Covering geographic areas from Southeast Asia and Australia to Madagascar and the New World, this volume summarizes what is known about the ecology, management, restoration, socioeconomics, and conservation of fragmented forests.
Hefner, Robert W. 1993 “Introduction: world building and the rationality of conversion.” In Conversionto Christianity: ... Hefner, Robert W. 2000 CivilIslam: Moslems andDemocratization in Indonesia. ... Rita S. Kipp and Susan Rodgers.
Hrdy, S. B. (1978) “Allomaternal Care and Abuse of Infants Among Hanuman Langurs.” In D. J. Chivers and J. Herbert, eds., Recent Advances in Primatology, vol. 1, pp. 169-72. London: Academic Press. *———(1977) The Langurs of Abu: Male ...
Take, for example, the ways Kaluli think about two very anomalous creatures, bats and cassowaries. ... Kaluli will openly discuss beleb (which include four taxa: two for large flying foxes and fruit bats and two for tube-nosed bats and ...
For fast food , there are nine branches of McDonald's in Surabaya ; the central ones are in Plaza Surabaya , Jalan Pemuda , Plaza Tunjungan , Jalan Basuki Rachmat and in Jalan Raya Darmo . Pizza Hut , Jl Raya Darmo 79A , is very popular ...
See also Black flying fox; Common long-tongued bat; Common vampire bat; False vampire bat; Jamaican fruit-eating ... tube- nosed bat; Short-tailed fruit bat Bees, 127–28, 190, 202 Biodiversity crisis, 276–78 Birds: cassowary, 172, 274; ...
To return to the question of why there is an antithesis, a required separation, between cassowaries and the taro crop, ... Some informants say that eating alp (large fruit bats or 'flying foxes', especially the spinal winged bat, ...
But there are fruit bat niches , fruit - eating pigeon niches , and a single , rather lonely , cassowary species in the large ratite fruit - eating niche . How should we think of adaptive radiation from this perspective ?
"An inter-disciplinary exploration of the history of humans in New Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago and the Solomon Islands, which make up the biogeographic and cultural region that is coming to...