Twenty Pearls of Wisdom: A Woman’s Guide to Self-Preservation

Twenty Pearls of Wisdom: A Woman’s Guide to Self-Preservation
Jasmine Womack


At one time I was the "Self-Sabotage Queen"; living recklessly, making stupid decisions, and being involved in counterproductive relationships. With my college degree, luxury sports car and a fabulous life, I LOOKED like I had it all together. In reality, I was secretly sad, lonely, and wanted more out of my life. Like my old self, you may be facing the same realities that forced me to change my thoughts, my ways, and my destructive behavior. In Twenty Pearls of Wisdom, I share twenty vital principles that will help you break the cycle of self-sabotage and create a life that you love. You'll discover how to transform your life, develop into a Pearl, and become a refined woman who realizes her worth and allows her beauty to shine from the inside out.

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