"As civility appears to crumble around us and our society, people are thinking seriously about how they contribute to decorum, respect and courtesy in their work and in their lives. They are asking themselves if they do enough, and they are seeking a forward-looking answer that means civility will be better served tomorrow than today, and even better the day after. Such thought and resolve are major steps in assuring that civility remains one of our core values, and that we always advance its cause in our words and deeds. The 12 distinguished, successful people who have shared their views with the world in this book foster civility in the course of their daily interactions. They are leaders who set the bar high for us all." --from Amazon.com
Civility in America
Comprised of more than twenty papers presented at that meeting, Civility and Democracy in America examines the meaning of civility and disseminates the insight of these seasoned experts.
See also Lee Sigelman and Susan Welch , “ The Contact Hypothesis Revisited : Black - White Interaction and Positive Racial Attitudes , " Social Forces 71 ( 1993 ) : 781-95 ; Lee Sigelman et al . , " Making Contact ?
In Against Civility, citizens who care deeply about racial and socioeconomic equality will see that they need to abandon this concept of discreet politeness when it comes to racial justice and instead more fully support disruptive actions ...
... 36–38, 44 Lehrer, Jim, 129 Lemon, Don, 45 Liasson, Mara, 43 Lincoln, Abraham, Obama compared to, 98–99 listening, 19–20; American weakness in, 145; “hard,” 126, 142; journalism hosts, 142–143; projects for, 143; school projects for, ...
In this followup to Integrity, Yale law professor Stephen Carter continues to meditate upon the “prepolitical” qualities on which a healthy society is based.Why do people show poorer manners today...
Jacques Pierre Brissot de Warville, New Travels in the United States of America, 1788 (first published in 1791), trans. Mara Soceanu Vamos and Durand Echeverria; ed. Durand Echeverria (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, Belknap Press, ...
The Case for Civility is a proposal for restoring civility in America as a way to foster civility around the world.
But Bernardin insisted that a commitment to opposing abortion and euthanasia (which, as a traditional Catholic, he shared) lacked integrity without an equally zealous rejection of the death penalty. He argued that all three practices ...
Four Quakers were publicly executed (Marmaduke Stephenson, William Robinson, Mary Dryer, and William Ledra) in Massachusetts, and many more were imprisoned or had their death sentences reduced to public flogging and ostracism.