You'll learn how to use your digital content strategy to shape marketing, branding, PR, SEO, customer and media relations, blog content, social media initiatives, and your website. (bron:
The World Wide Web: What Marketing Managers Might Want to Know about Conversion and Efficiency
Surfers Get Hooked: Conversion Efficiency on the World Wide Web
This book is a no nonsense guide for those who want to cut through the hype and use the web to grow their business.
... for example : rec.sports • Bruins . As you can see , the Effective Promotional Use of Newsgroups 209 CCVI.
Fifty SEO Ideas helps you understand SEO one idea at a time. That said, Fifty SEO Ideas is not a step-by-step guide to SEO! It is an ideabook: a book of ideas, in no particular order.
Includes Marketing resources (information websites to keep you up-to-date as a marketer), SEO (tools, tricks and tactics to help rank your website at the top of search engines), Social media marketing, and Google Ads.
Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers, International Edition helps readers understand the "why" behind the "how" of Web site development.
Márketing de guerrilla con tecnología: cómo liberar todo el potencial de su empresa
Новые правила маркетинга и PR: как использовать социальные сети, блоги, подкасты и вирусный маркетинг для непосредственного контакта с покупателем