The Book of Signs: A Crowdsourced Field Guide for Followers of Jesus

The Book of Signs: A Crowdsourced Field Guide for Followers of Jesus
The Book of Signs
Thomas Ingram


Animal trackers in the wilds have been reading and following signs for centuries; signs that enabled their survival in hostile and unforgiving environments. These signs were learned day by day and then passed on to those who followed so that they might not only become better trackers, but also avoid the mistakes that can cause the trail to go cold or even cost you your life. The Book of Signs is a collection of the top 100 signs followers of Jesus need to know so they can stick to the trail. It is not the advice of a lone tracker, but rather it is assembled from the collective wisdom of 229 followers of Jesus who generated this list of signs via crowdsourcing. Dr. Ingram has remained true to the crowd's recommendations and written brief reflections for each of the top 100 signs contributed, even though some of the trail markers might make Jesus followers a little uncomfortable. Some followers will use The Book of Signs as a daily devotional while others might read it straight through from cover to cover. But all followers of Jesus will find the Book of Signs a valuable fieldbook and trail guide to help us better discern the presence of Jesus so that our trail never goes cold. And so, The Book of Signs is a book like no other. A Crowdsourced Field Guide for Followers of Jesus.

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