A rare look inside the life of an Army Ranger medic. The compelling true story of what it takes to become and operate as a special operations medic during the height of the global war on terrorism. Detailed accounts (and pictures) from the search and rescue operation for the US Navy Seals that were compromised in the mountains of Afghanistan during operation Redwings (best selling book, Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell) is just one of the many combat operations described in this thrilling book. Take a look inside the US special operations medical course as the author trains for the reality of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Lest We Forget is a respectful look into the reality of war and the impact it has on the individuals that have fought for the brothers to their left and right.
Lest We Forget is the story of one family's survival against all odds from an oppressive regime determined to kill them all. It is the story of the bravery of...
In this unique devotional George R. Knight reintroduces us to our spiritual ancestors.
"Timed for the centenary of the Gallipoli landing, this powerful story about a boy and his grandfather will help even the very young understand the significance of ANZAC Day."--Publisher's website.
This book derives its title from the poem "Recessional" by Rudyard Kipling, often used as a tribute in war memorials, while its contents chronicle our military history since the Revolution through 150 iconic artifacts.
Lest We Forget recounts the background of these soldiers, but it also tells the often-overlooked story of what happened to New Mexico's veterans after the war.
interested in the fine physical prospect of his brother - in - law and traded Shepard his “ likely nigger " for a wagon , mules , a lot of other goods , and three hundred dollars in cash . Once outside Richmond , the two headed toward ...
And yet is this right? David Rieff, an independent writer who has reported on bloody conflicts in Africa, the Balkans, and Central Asia, insists that things are not so simple.
There was no way he was going to the Dawn Parade with Mum and Poppa tomorrow. Why celebrate something so terrible? But after listening to the stories about the soldiers in his family Tyson feels differently and goes to the parade.
Brings together first-hand recollections from the Great War to the Second World War, to vividly illustrate the impact of war.
Reproduces papers, memoirs, personal effects and photographs from the Black Holocaust Exhibit