"Where you are going, nooo one else can go."Haunted by a tribal witch doctor's words in Africa, Jeremy Braddock sets off in search of the answers to our questions about love, truth, and life.But Jeremy is a man like many men, and the universe has his number and knows just how to dial him into the allure of love. From Kenya to Costa Rica, San Francisco to Saint Petersburg, India to China, Jeremy takes us on a rollercoaster ride that reveals to us the masters (and their timely messages), the maniacal beauty of this planet, and the greatest mystery of all - the 'one thing' we came here to know.David Scott's novel is an adventure in search of the spiritual, speaking to anyone interested in meditation, personal transformation, philosophical discourse, and relationships at all levels. If Elizabeth Gilbert and Paulo Coelho had co-created on a self-help, synchronicity-filled visionary fiction it might have been The Longest Distance. For fans of fables and parables, who ate up Eat, Pray, Love, keep The Alchemist on their bedside tables, and adored Mitch Albom's The Time Keeper, this literary novel will open hearts and minds to the greater truth within all of us. And a love that we're never too late to awaken to. Part love story, part adventure mystery, part travel guide for the soul, The Longest Distance is a meditation in traveling from our heads to our hearts, and an awakening to what lies within.
Examines the nature of Jesuit spirituality, which is a spirituality of life-giving and creative tensions.
This comprehensive volume explores the interface between sport and spirituality.
In 'Cratylus', Plato speculates that the etymology of daimôn/daemones (deity/daemon) is from 'knowing' or 'wise', however, it is more probably 'daio' ('to divide, to distribute destinies, to allot'). In Plato's 'Symposium' ...
Pray- as You are
Flight Lessons: A Young Couple's First Journeys Toward Heaven
First published as the fruit of extended reflection at Cambridge University on Christianity's response to postmodernism, this book provides a map to help us navigate contemporary spirituality.
Dans ce nouvel ouvrage, Anne-Marie Lionnet nous livre les communications toujours plus pressantes et plus graves, mais d'une portée universelle, que continue de lui dicter sa fille unique, " partie " d'une leucémie le 9 janvier 1983, à l ...
The Spiritual Teachings of Bernard of Clairvaux: An Intellectual History of the Early Cistercian Order
Simple , practical stories like Joseph Girzone's Joshua , or Robert Fulghum's All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten , or those in William J. Bennett's The Book of Virtues : A Treasury of the World's Great Moral Stories ...