Working in Wildlife Tourism: A Handbook for Guides, Small Business, Students and NGOs

Working in Wildlife Tourism: A Handbook for Guides, Small Business, Students and NGOs
Ronda Green


This book is a guide for proprietors, employees, students and volunteers involved in or planning to engage in conducting wildlife-viewing tours or guiding tourists visiting captive wildlife attractions. It covers wildlife skills (finding and identifying wildlife, approaching and viewing with minimal impact, learning about behaviour, ecology, evolutionary relationships and conservation issues), people skills (keeping customers safe and happy, interpretation skills, dealing with problems, networking), legal and financial considerations, marketing and innovation. It includes examples of good (and poor) practice, ideas for wildlife tourism in the various world regions, and many links to further information. Wildlife is defined as all non-domesticated fauna and flora, so while the emphasis remains centred on the larger and more famous mammals, birds and reptiles, it also includes smaller and lesser-known members of these groups as well as frogs, fish, invertebrates (e.g. butterflies glow-worms, coral), plants and even fungi. The author bears in mind that some are coming into this field as academics or amateur naturalists who now need to understand something of the business skills they will need, while others may be experienced in running businesses, even tourism businesses, but have had less of a background in wildlife or natural areas. Difficulties and challenges are covered, and also the rewards of spending one's time in what can be such a fascinating and highly satisfying field of work.