In 2010 Heathrow ran an international arts competition to find an ambitious public artwork the for the Covered Court, architect Luis Vidal's grand entrance to the new Terminal 2. The winner was Richard Wilson, whose sculpture encapsulating the imagined flight path of an aerobatics aircraft now shimmers in the lights of the Covered Court, providing a monument to the spirit of collaboration, British ingenuity and the increasing popularity of contemporary art in 'museums without walls'. This book traces 'Slipstream's' epic journey from inception through to the reality of an artwork that links together the technological age with the golden era of aviation.
Presents a collection of science fiction tales on the topic of slipstream by such authors as Michael Chabon, George Saunders, Karen Joy Fowler, and Carol Emschwiller.
In Slipstream, Leslie Larson traces the intertwining paths of five characters as each struggles to stay afloat in the face of major setbacks, minor failures, and a reckless pursuit of...
at about the same time that the safety bicycle was gaining popularity, John dunlop, a scotsman who lived in Belfast, invented the pneumatic tire. dunlop stumbled on the concept while trying to make a tricycle more comfortable for his ...
You can live thousands of years' worth of life in a single life-time by understanding the principles in this book.SLIPSTREAM TIME HACKING will challenge you to answer these questions:1. Ideally, how would you spend your time?2.
Three girls, a boat, and a long vacation.
said the slipstream operator. “As the cliché goes, TGIF, Thank God it's Friday,” Jay replied. “Wish it was Saturday.” “Me too. I am so done,” she said as she strapped him into the slipstream transport. The cylinder-shaped device ...
When her mother is lured into the desert by a cult leader, Van, seventeen, must leave Alex, the boy she is falling for, her comfortable life in a Las Vegas casino, and the dream of playing in a rock band, to rescue her.
This volume examines a variety of work from a transrealist perspective, including the writings of Dick, Rucker, Kurt Vonnegut, J.G. Ballard, and John Barth.
I bought many books by writers I had never heard of like Sukenick and Major . ... dungeon play modules and being screwed over in a five book fantasy deal , I did the little prose poems that became Uncle Ovid's Exercise Book and won me a ...
In the wake of her beloved father's death, Rachel Manley turned inward to try to understand him and to explore the impact of those final moments. Michael Manley, charismatic, controversial...