Book Design Made Simple gives DIY authors, small presses, and graphic designers-novices and experts alike-the power to design their own books. It's the first comprehensive book of its kind, explaining every step from installing Adobe� InDesign� right through to sending the files to press. For those who want to design their own books but have little idea how to proceed, Book Design Made Simple is a semester of book design instruction plus a publishing class rolled into one. Let two experts guide you through the process with easy step-by-step instructions, resulting in a professional-looking top-quality book
In this step-by-step book and DVD, Keil explains and demonstrates how the vacuum press works; how to use it for veneering, wood bending and clamping; how to troubleshoot problems with the press; and how to maintain the equipment for ...
Ott, H. 1988. Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Mardiguian, M. 1992. Controlling Radiated Emissions by Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Dockey, R. W., and R. F. German. 1993.
Students reading books on Economics as a liberal study and practicing economists will find the book useful.
I am thankful toofor the indispensible contributions made bySusan Prout, Darby Costello, William Millner, Anneand Hugh Millais, and Henrietta Pearson. Mostof what Iknow about writing I learned fromreading, but the delight of expression ...
Essential Oils Made Simple
You’ll learn how to... • Write clearly, simply and engagingly • Choose a killer headline and a strong structure• Use 20 proven strategies for creative copywriting• Harness the power of persuasion and psychology• Create a unique ...
The size of the ears, the extent of their protrusion, their thickness, and the shape of the ear lobes have been shown to run according to family patterns. Inherited Taste Abilities. About twenty years ago, an American chemist found, ...
Now you can take control of your publishing career. In this book, you will learn simple techniques to produce a professional looking print book or ebook.
Illustrated with eye-catching photography and livable inspiration from real-life clients, this is the interior design book that finally makes it possible for us all to achieve our design goals.
"Kitchen Cabinets Made Simple" demystifies kitchen cabinet construction and makes it possible for the dedicated do-it-yourselfer to build new cabinets for a fraction of the cost of buying them.