Story Driven: You Don't Need to Compete When You Know Who You Are

Story Driven: You Don't Need to Compete When You Know Who You Are
Bernadette Jiwa


"Every one of us-- regardless of where we were born, how we were brought up, how many setbacks we've endured or privileges we've been afforded-- has been conditioned to compete to win. Ironically, the people who create fulfilling lives and careers--the ones we respect, admire and try to emulate--choose an alternative path to success. They have a powerful sense of identity. They don't worry about differentiating themselves from the competition or obsess about telling the right story. They tell the real story instead. Whether you're an individual or you're representing an organisation or a movement, a city or a country, 'Story Driven' gives you a framework to help you consistently articulate, live and lead with your story. This book is about how to stop competing and start succeeding by being who you are, so you can do work you're proud of and create the future you want to see"--Page 4 of cover.

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