Join us as we learn all about God's amazing love, mercy, and forgiveness! Features: Twelve weeks of Bible study Questions for discussion Leader's Guide included for leading your small group study
No matter the magnitude or devastation of the betrayal, hurt, or disapointment you've experienced, or even if you are the issuer of such offenses, this book will uncover the spiritual and emotional treasures you'll find in a heart fully ...
I embraced the change. Now, not all changes involve only nice experiences regarding new beginnings. After I came back from India, I found out the company I was working for didn't have an offshore position for me anymore.
Learn to let go of your guilt, fear, and regret by turning to God in this book by the bestselling author of Bad Girls of the Bible.
o so WUMLN-FA---| | | | | | | | || -- T Forgiveness Embracing Forgiveness F - r c w w r J H y LUCI SWINDO LL Embracing Forgiveness Other Women of Faith Bible Studies Celebrating Friendship. Front Cover.
Like other programs, it features two components, purchased separately: (1) A DVD with five 10-15 minute presentations, followed by a video of the guest lecturer interacting with a small group as they discuss the issues, and (2) a ...
Forgiveness: The word itself fills our hearts with peace and hope; yet, countless Christians are plagued by haunting feelings of inadequacy and guilt.
Sarah Taras points women away from "doing better " and "trying harder, " and toward taking their struggle with lust to their faithful Savior.
4 M. Greenspan, Healing through the Dark Emotions, Shambala Publications, Inc., Boston Massachusetts, 2003, pp. XII-XIV. 5 Temes, loc. cit. 6J. Derrida, 'Jean-Marie Benoist 1942-1990', The Work of Mourning, University of Chicago Press, ...
In this provocative book, the authors argue that the core religious value of forgiveness can play a real, strategic role in the arena of international conflict and diplomacy.