The interweaving stories in Recurrence Plot and Other Time Travel Tales present characters whose experiences challenge the notion that time flows in only one direction. If you want to understand what is happening at any given point in time, you cannot only look to the past for clues. You must consider the future. A journalist races against time itself to expose the entity preying on young male teens in Philadelphia. A crystal, memory-storing bracelet transports a young mother back to the day of her own mother's traumatic death. An unknown force of nature causes time to start flowing backwards. . . Using quantum physics as an imaginative landscape, Phillips' debut speculative collection Recurrence Plot attempts to walk the fine line between fiction and reality, fate and free will, and past, present, and future.
In This New Edition, A New Chapter On The Revolutionary Topic Of Quantum Computing (Not Currently Covered In Any Other Text At This Level) And Thorough Updates To The Rest Of The Text Bring It Up To Date.
Discover why you can't break the ultimate speed barrier, how to become older than your mother, how to put on weight without getting fat, and how to live forever without even knowing it, in this action-packed adventure story. 9 yrs+
رحلة العم ألبرت في الزمان و المکان
Problèmes quantiques
Dans les sciences de l'ingénieur, dans la technologie moderne, comme dans la physique fondamentale, la physique quantique constitue la discipline de base. Elle est donc le fondement de tout enseignement...
Mécanique quantique
B. Okun hep-ph/01 12032 Sir Martin Rees, FRS, Professor at Cambridge University has voiced similar "Ice 9" fears . Martin Rees wrote "civilization could be ravaged or destroyed by irrational or evil amateur scientists who operate alone ...
In my groundbreaking book God Does Not Play Dice. the final answers to such crucial questions can surely be achieved, and we can definitely go beyond the uncertainty and confusion that some scientists claim cannot be overcome. the final and ...
Kuantum mekaniğine giriş
MATHEMATICS 335 ACVOnces in QUOntum Dynomics June 16–20, 2002 Mount Holyoke College South Hodley, MCSSochusetts Geoffrey L. Price Editor-in-Chief B. Mitchell BC ker Polle E.T. Jorgensen Poul S. Muhly EditorS American Mathematical ...