The author, a retired firefighter who became an insurance agent because he wanted to help protect people and their properties, explains different types of insurance coverage, why they're important, and how to discuss your insurance needs with an insurance agent.
Donahue, 163 Wis. 2d 1059,473 N.W.2d 155 (Ct. App. 1991), rev'd in part, 169 Wis. 2d 310, 485 N.W.2d 403 (1992) ....... §2.03[c] Elliot v. Donahue, 169 Wis. 2d 310, 485 N.W.2d 403 (1992) .
A Glossary of Insurance Terms with Specific Reference to the Jamaican Insurance Diploma
European Insurance Regulation
Perspectives of Insurance Regulation
State Insurance Regulation
This text provides comprehensive coverage and analysis of common law principles relating to, and the statutory regulation of, insurance contracts and the operation of an insurance business.
Index Investing is a 24 page booklet that explains what indexes are, the information they provde, and how they serve as the basis for several investment products.
本书不仅告诉人们应该选择哪家保险公司,购买哪些险种,而且着力告诉人们为什么选择保险作为风险转移的方式和投资理财的工具,让普通市民对保险形成正确认识 ...
Leading financial expert Larry Burkett has created this practical pocket guide to help young adults make sound financial decisions from the start.