A notorious wildlife criminal is trolling Norwegian waters, preparing to illegally capture a live killer whale for a mega-aquarium. Before you can say Call Me Ishmael, Special Agent Poppy McVie's on the case. She'll be damed if she'll let one more killer whale be sold into slavery, sentenced to live in a bathtub for the rest of his life. Armed with attitude, Poppy and her new partner, Special Agent Dalton, go undercover to avoid the political entanglements of a whaling nation. But working so closely with Dalton causes entanglements of its own. No matter the danger, Poppy's determined to hook the one man who's never been caught.
A scientist watched forty orcas hunt salmon off British Columbia , Canada . The pod slowly circled around hundreds of salmon . When the killer whales had forced the salmon into a fairly small area , they attacked .
Orca Pup is trapped in an abandoned net and separated from his family until he hears the song that they sing while looking for him.
Unskilled Orca Pup gets caught in an abandoned net. Trapped and alone, will he ever hear the songs of his orca family again?
The values and perceptions expressed in this work are not human, but they may just be the orca's, and we can all learn from that.?/p> -William W. Rossiter, Vice President Cetacean Society International Author bio: Gerard Gormley lives in ...
Describes the physical characteristics, natural habitat, behavior, diet, and world distribution of Orcas, or killer whales.
The remarkable story of the killer whales of Eden -- their skills, intelligence and their surprisingly cooperative behaviour and relationship with the nineteenth century whalers.
Diagrams, graphs, and fun text help readers explore the lives of killer whales and their place in the wild animal kingdom.
Discusses traits and behaviors of the orca, known as the killer whale, as well as various methods of protecting this mammal from endangerment.
All about orcas: a 40-page color portrait of killer whales in the wild and in captivity.
Free Willy: The World of Killer Whales