What Drives Winning: Building Character Gets Results: Workbook One
These are the transformational coaches. These coaches change lives, and they also change society by helping to develop healthy men and women. InSideOut Coaching explains how to become a transformational coach.
Through real-life and historical examples of teams that have inspired awe, this book lays out a solid set of principles that work for all kinds of teams.
Read this book and learn valuable strategies on how to build a rock solid locker room and team." Erik Spoelstra, Head Coach, The Miami Heat "I love that Mike and Jon talk about the importance of caring.
Whether you're trying to beat the competition to market with a new product, scale a looming mountain of deadlines or simply get your kids to clean up their rooms, the advice in this book will take you on an adventure you'll never forget, ...
The last lecture on leadership by the NFL's greatest coach: Bill Walsh Bill Walsh is a towering figure in the history of the NFL.
Praise for The Captain Class “Wildly entertaining and thought-provoking . . . makes you reexamine long-held beliefs about leadership and the glue that binds winning teams together.”—Theo Epstein, president of baseball operations, ...
What Drives Winning Environments
Winning Well offers a quick, practical action plan for making the workplace productive, rewarding, and even fun.
In Beyond the Talent: Profile of a Winning Team, Smith details her findings, shares examples, and demonstrates how to raise the bar for building teams. This is a guide to getting back to square one . . . the profile of your team.