In this book is the stories of 31 amazing women who have the love, the heart, the courage and the wisdom to share their stories with you. These stories will touch your heart. We Choose to Thrive is a work of heart with messages from women who have a story to tell. Each of us has been a victim of abuse, some beginning in childhood, others later on as adults with domestic violence or even rape. You will find stories from sea to shining sea...from Australia, New York, roots in Guatemala, from all around Canada and the U.S. You will discover that the perpetrators of abuse do not respect ethnic backgrounds, socio-economic backgrounds, or religious backgrounds. Our message is to other who've been victims of abuse. Abuse is abuse no matter what KIND of abuse. There is no measuring device that can determine the extent to which the experience of the abuse has affected our lives. Abuse can come as sexual, emotional/mental, physical and spiritual abuse. Sexual childhood abuse seems to carry the deepest scars but truly there is no way to measure.While we mention what happened to us, we don't dwell there. We talk about what we have done and what we are currently doing to be well adjusted, happy and productive. We've done our healing work and as we began to heal, that seeped out to our families, our communities, our countries and our world. We also know that it takes constant attention to our thoughts and feelings as there can be triggers of memory that can threaten to derail our efforts.Abuse is abuse no matter what kind, and there is no measuring device that can predict the impact it has on the victim, no matter how significant or insignificant the abuse may seem. Leaving the sadness and pain aside, our message, the recurring theme of this book is to share that you too can thrive. It begins with a decision, a choice and the courage to SPEAK UP, STAND UP, FIND YOUR TRUTH, and COMMAND YOUR OWN INNER POWER.