Hard Choices for Loving People: CPR, Feeding Tubes, Palliative Care, Comfort Measures, and the Patient with a Serious Illness

Quality of Life Publishing Company
Hank Dunn


Since the first edition of "Hard Choices for Loving People" was published in 1990, more than 3.5 million copies have been sold to hospitals, nursing homes, hospice programs, and faith communities nationwide. Author Hank Dunn, a nursing home and hospice chaplain for 30 years, presents thoroughly-researched, reliable medical advice and thoughtful, honest answers for patients and their families dealing with serious illnesses and end-of-life decisions.Living with a life-threatening illness presents challenges and difficulties few can imagine, or even think about. Family members are confronted with making extraordinarily difficult decisions, often in the midst of emotionally-draining circumstances. Healthcare providers must present the facts surrounding end-of-life decision-making, while offering comfort and support to patients and their families. Straightforward answers, practical advice, and spiritual guidance are critical to helping patients and families during this extremely difficult time."Hard Choices for Loving People" clarifies issues surrounding end-of-life decisions in an easy-to-read format in language that is easily understood. The newly updated and expanded sixth edition of the book covers the most common medical treatment decisions faced by those who are living with a life-threatening illness. Topics include: CPR (resuscitation efforts); artificial hydration and nutrition (feeding tubes); hospitalization; ventilators (breathing machines); dialysis; antibiotics; pacemakers and implanted defibrillators; pain control; palliative care; shifting to a hospice or comfort-measures-only approach; and more. In the closing chapter, "The Journey to Letting Be," Chaplain Dunn explores the emotional and spiritual issues patients and families face as they consider the end of life. These challenges are thoughtfully explored and carefully examined as Chaplain Dunn gently shares his insight and experience surrounding the issues that ultimately affect us all.

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