Jealous: Exposing the Queen of Heaven

Jealous: Exposing the Queen of Heaven
Red Door Sentinel
Kelly Jean Whitaker


JEALOUS will cause you to come away from the Christian norm and allow God to position you in a place of victory over the world's darkest enemy. Do you ever wonder what is happening to our world when you see the latest breaking story? People seem so much more hostile, with no regard for others. Crimes against humanity are growing more vicious by the day. Spiritual darkness is growing bolder and bolder. We can no longer ignore it. Many Christians believe that learning about the dark roots of society will only fuel the devil's agenda. This book challenges that belief. Your eyes will open to an obscure dark power that is affecting people we know ....Moses despised it as Hathor.Solomon lifted it up as Ashtoreth.Paul confronted it as Artemis.Josiah defiled it as Asherah.Jeremiah exposed it as the Queen of Heaven. Morphing into a multitude of desirable idols through time, the queen of heaven exists onlyto carry out the devil's sole desire - to destroy the human race. She is on our doorstep, affecting our world today. No other book contains a full exposition of the queen of heaven based on a solid biblical foundation. God's name, JEALOUS, was first proclaimed in the aftermath of Israel's blatant worship of the queen of heaven. Ever since then, people have worshiped the One True God right alongside the queen of heaven, often times without knowing it. JEALOUS will arm you with:being able to recognize the queen of heaven's commanding influence the entertainment industry, popular literature, long-respected world institutions, and even in major religions. a clearer understanding of many difficult Scripture passages and most importantly - a passion to love others caught in the destructive lifestyles that the queen of heaven promotes Join Kelly as she shares personal stories that will entice you into an intimate desire to purify your own worship to the One True God. Newest revision available on Amazon.

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