New England has a rich gardening heritage. In The Garden Tourist's New England, garden designer Jana Milbocker takes you on a fantastic tour of 140 gardens and nurseries and provides all the information you need to make the most of your visit. From the breathtaking flower gardens of Mount Desert Island in Maine, to Colonial Revival gardens in Connecticut and New Hampshire, topiary gardens in Rhode Island, and botanical gardens in Vermont and Massachusetts, there is something for every gardener to enjoy in a tour of the region. A companion to the Northeast edition of The Garden Tourist, this guide features notable private gardens, specialty nurseries, and off-the-beaten-path destinations for the passionate gardener.?Preview 140 outstanding gardens including 34 specialty nurseries in 264 pages richly illustrated with 700 photos.?Enjoy the best botanical, historic, and private gardens in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.?Plan your trips with regional maps, contact information, sample itineraries, and garden amenities.
The Northeast has a wealth of gardens and nurseries. The Garden Tourist highlights 120 of the most outstanding options.
In The Garden Tourist's Florida, garden designer Jana Milbocker guides you on a fantastic tour of 80 tropical gardens and provides all the information you need to make the most of your visit.
Presents a guide to creating a garden in such unused spaces as land beside a driveway, next to steps, or between the sidewalk and the street curb, discussing how to prepare the soil and listing the varieties of plants suitable for these ...
In Inventing New England, Dona Brown traces the creation of these calendar-page images and describes how tourism as a business emerged and came to shape the landscape, economy, and culture of a region.
In My Garden (Book) she gathers all she loves about gardening and plants, and examines it generously, passionately, and with sharp, idiosyncratic discrimination. Kincaid's affections are matched in intensity only by her dislikes.
A brilliant look at colonialism and its effects in Antigua--by the author of Annie John "If you go to Antigua as a tourist, this is what you will see.
New England is truly a Cabinet of Curiosities, and this indispensable guide directs you to its most bizarre, off the wall, and unsettling exhibits. Some evoke hilarity, some horror. ...
Celebrating the Fifth Anniversary of the Maine Botanical Gardens, and honoring the sixteen years of planning and construction that went into them, this book is an inspiring tribute to thisparadise on the Maine coast.
“Delve into this beautiful book.
19 Harrison Avenue, 2018. restaurant and the residence of many Chinese, who lived on its upper floors, ... The raids and their aftermath helped to cast Boston's Chinese-descended population as permanent outsiders, as unassimilable.