Can Rebecca Tierney accept the man who cloned her husband, and discover love again? Rebecca returns to the family home on the lake after her husband's death. Unable to handle the grief, she becomes a recluse. A Visitor appears and searches for the key that will stop his alien race from dying. Rebecca can either help the clone, or let him die.
The Visitor: A psychological thriller with a breathtaking twist
A global history in the guise of biography, The Visitor tells the story of a theologian whose travels bore witness to the fruitful contact—and violent collision—of East and West in the early modern era. My name is Amelia Gray.
The wildly popular books by K.A. Applegate are back! The Animorphs return in this update of the classic series. Rachel is still reeling from the news that the Earth is secretly under attack by parasitic aliens known as the Yeerks.
The Visitor
The Jesuit curia had sent orders that he should contemplate a route inland from Mozambique—Rome's maps were even worse than Goa's—although the Visitor knew this was an improbable option. The notion that it might be an easy path up the ...
Living well with dementia: a role for the visitor economy in addressing a public health crisis Creating dementia-friendly communities: a role for business? Travel medicine and an ageing population Summary 6 ...
GABRIEL MARIN VANDENBROUCKE *, SIMON GÉRARD , AND ANTHONY MAY University of Coventry, Coventry, UK Highlights ○ The importance of the human rights legacy of sport mega events in relation to the visitor economy is illustrated using the ...
The "magic" that once was America died horribly along with most of the Earth's inhabitants when an asteroid crashed into the planet sometime during the twenty-first century.
Marion Zetland lives with her domineering older brother, John in a decaying Georgian townhouse on the edge of a northern seaside resort. A timid spinster in her fifties who still...