Columbus and Caonabó: 1493-1498 Retold

Columbus and Caonabó: 1493-1498 Retold
Andrew Rowen


A historical novel, Columbus and Caonabó: 1493-1498 Retold dramatizes Columbus's invasion of Española on his second voyage and the bitter resistance mounted by its Taíno peoples, led by the Taíno chieftain Caonabó. Based closely on primary sources, the story is told from both Taíno and European perspectives, including through the eyes of Caonabó and Columbus. Chief Caonabó opposes any European presence on the island and massacres the garrison Columbus left behind on his first voyage. When Columbus returns, the second voyage's twelve-hundred settlers suffer from disease and famine and are alienated by his harsh rule, resulting in crown-appointed officers and others deserting for Spain. Sensing European vulnerability, Caonabó establishes a broad Taíno alliance to expel the intruders, becoming the first of four centuries of Native American chieftains known to organize war against European expansion. Columbus realizes that Caonabó's capture or elimination is key to the island's conquest, and their conflict escalates--with the fateful clash of their soldiers, cultures, and religions, enslavement of Taíno captives, the imposition of tribute, and hostile face-to-face conversations. As battles are lost, Caonabó's wife Anacaona anguishes and considers how to confront the Europeans if Caonabó is killed. The settlers grow more brutal when Columbus explores Cuba and Jamaica, and his enslaved Taíno interpreters witness them forcing villagers into servitude, committing rape, and destroying Taíno religious objects. Chief Guarionex, whose territory neighbors Caonabó's, studies Christianity with missionaries and observes the first recorded baptism of a Native in the Americas but ultimately rejects his own conversion. Isabella and Ferdinand are disturbed when Columbus initiates slave shipments home, but they deliberately acquiesce--and the justification for the European enslavement of Native Americans begins to evolve. The novel is the sequel to Encounters Unforeseen: 1492 Retold, which portrays the lives of the same Taíno and European protagonists from youth through 1492. Historic and newly drawn maps and portraits are woven into the narrative, including of Columbus and Caonabó. The Sources section discusses interpretations of historians contrary to the author's presentation and issues of academic disagreement.

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