Proven resolutions for recovery.
Staying clean is never simple, not even with the help of family and friends.
Play the Tape: 5 Simple Ways to Stay Clean and Sober One Day at a Time : Recovery from the...
Dreams As you can see dreams can have meaning, and they can play a part in your recovery, when it comes to your recovery, ... You can help your thought process, by reading the bible, praying, and reading your AA or NA material. Dreams ...
This is a journal you fill in yourself, because everyone's reasons for staying sober are different. And whenever you find yourself feeling uninspired and lacking motivation, you read the many reasons you have to remain sober.
If you are an alcoholic or drug addict who wants to stop; if you love an addict and don't understand the disease; if your struggling with staying clean and sober, this book is for you.
Staying Clean and Sober offers methods for not only getting sober but staying sober with new, complementary, and natural therapies. For anyone who is addicted or trying to stay sober and for those that love them.
This book is full of suggestions that can work for anyone who is new to recovery or trying to get clean and sober again.
Staying Sober
J.W. Collier's compilation of blog posts from his first 101 days of sobriety offers reflections, tips and resources, in an effort to help others experience an easier time staying sober.
Full of practical help and support, this book gives readers a clear and useful sense of how these principles apply to the main goals of recovery: staying clean and sober, building emotional stability and maturity for successful living in ...