Healing: Love Letter to My Life

Draya Love


I have been journaling and writing for several years now. ?During the middle of co-vid, Spirit had a book that needed to be birthed right now. It started with a sentence and now is being developed into a series and a new coaching program. The first series is called Love Letter to my Life. This release is called Healing. It is being released December 2020. Tangible reads that are accessing high level spiritual information and making it transferable to everyday life. Small doses of day to day healing practices ready to integrate as you read. Complex topics made fun, light and relevant for everyone.?True, deep, lasting, cross cultural healing for all. A twist on how to get well. You will want to read this over and over. I promise.And gift this to all the people you love and wish healing for. As I have traveled through my healing journey over the last 8 years, I've acquired many tools.Now, simplified and ready to pass on. These trials haven't been easy and still continue to challenge me daily.I have just learned the gems and believe you deserve these gifts. I have fallen deeply in love with my life in a multitude of ways.I have beautiful, light, realistic, strategic and integrative perspectives for you. Having accessed my deepest self.I am ready to help find that within you. Re-remembering who you are.... My friends. No time to waste.?Healing.Simplified.Funny.So full of love.MBA strategy.and all tha thangs. Unlike anything you've ever seen.get ready for The Draya Love Frequency all. Waking people up in the middle of their life?The World just isn't ready. Are you?

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