Right Brain Education: Changing the World, One Heart at a Time

Right Brain Education: Changing the World, One Heart at a Time
Pamela Sue Hickein


10th Anniversary Edition - Celebrating 30 years of success with a truly holistic form of early childhood education that enriches both sides of the brain while honoring the heart. Right Brain Education is an exciting learning method developed to help utilize both sides of the brain - the logical left brain and the (generally under-utilized) creative right brain. At a time when our attention is on testing results, No Child Left Behind, budget deficits, teacher layoffs, and poor student performance, we are asked by Pamela to reconsider how different learning could be if we started with the heart and moved on from there. This book describes Pamela's educational experimentations over a 30-year period in which she has made discoveries that take us farther into new dimensions of teaching and learning that engage the whole brain, both conscious and unconscious.Children and adults alike can learn how to enhance the abilities of the right side of the brain, nurturing one's natural photographic memory and speed-learning capabilities, so that the "whole brain" is equally engaged. When both sides of the brain are used, a person's true genius can shine! Hickein's heart-based approach to right-brain learning consists of two main programs, which correspond to two distinct stages of development: TweedleWink early learning program (ages 0-6) and Wink (ages 6 +) to enhance photographic memory, enabling speed-learning and more.This EXPANDED version includes over 100 additional pages, including: updated brain research, a how-to guide for each of the 12 TweedleWink techniques, DIY material ideas, Wink right brain exercises (yes, right in the book!), age-by-age lesson charts and easy-to-follow guides.