The extensively updated seventh edition of Unlocking Equity and Trusts will help you grasp the main concepts of Equity and Trusts with ease. Using straightforward language and explaining the law in a clear manner, it provides an excellent foundation for learning and revising. Each chapter in the book contains: Aims and objectives; Activities such as self-test questions; Charts of key facts to consolidate your knowledge; Diagrams to aid memory and understanding; Prominently displayed cases and judgements; Chapter summaries; Essay questions with answer plans; Glossary of legal terms. The Unlocking the Law series is designed specifically to make the law accessible to students coming to study a topic for the first time. All titles in the series follow the same formula and include the same features so students can move easily from one subject to another.
Unlocking Equity and Trusts
Now in its 8th edition, Unlocking Equity and Trusts will help you grasp the main concepts of this core subject with ease.
From its conception, the series has been designed specifically so that the subject matter is readable - students are not overwhelmed with page after page of continuous prose.
Key features include: * Diagrams at the start of chapters to summarise the key points * Structured heading levels to allow for clear recall of the main facts * Charts and tables to break down more complex information New to these editions ...
Presenting practical answers to fifty typical exam questions, this new edition helps students to penetrate and understand the complexities of equity and trusts.
Key cases and legislation are highlighted within the text for ease of reference Boxed answer plans after each question outline the major points you should be aiming to convey within your answer The books in this series are supported by a ...
Brings Equity and Trusts to life for students of all abilities with clearly explained principles and simple, practical examples.
Sharing land is what we do, especially on this small island, and in the part that is England and Wales coownership of land always exists under a trust in which legal title is held by the trustees as beneficial joint tenants. beneficial ...
Text, Cases, and Materials Paul S. Davies, Graham Virgo Edward Burn ... Clarity and simplicity are highly desirable qualities in the law. ... Sir George Jessel MR in Pearson's Case205 at p 341 referred in a passage cited above to ...
Equity and Trusts is an ideal textbook for undergraduate courses on the law of trusts and equitable remedies.