Basic Management Accounting for the Hospitality Industry uses a step by step approach to enable students to independently master the field. This second edition contains many new themes and developments, including: the essence of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) integration of the changes caused by the evolution of the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (USALI) the extension of price elasticity of demand, and addition of income and cross elasticities the addition of break-even time (BET) as an additional method of analysing capital investments Up-to-date and comprehensive coverage, this textbook is essential reading for hospitality management students. Additional study and teaching materials can be found on
This new edition includes more basic math support for students and a more developed inclusion of ethical considerations and global changes both in accounting systems and in the hospitality industry.
This Ninth Edition continues its time-tested presentation of fundamental concepts and analytical techniques that are essential to taking control of real-world accounting systems, evaluating current and past operations, and effectively ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Hospitality management...
This textbook includes everything readers will need to gain a clear understanding of managerial accounting in a hospitality setting.
If you care about effective hospitality management, accounting should not be a foreign language to you. This book provides all the information and tools you need to become fluent in the essential language of managerial accounting.
Yet having a grasp of accounting basics is a key part of management. Using an 'easy to read' style, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the most relevant accounting information for hospitality managers.
Managerial Accounting for the Hospitality Service Industries
Understanding and applying the information will be the main focus of this book. This textbook should provide hospitality managers the knowledge and experience to be comfortable in using numbers to operate their departments.
Offers a strategic approach to managerial accounting for the hospitality industry.
Hospitality Management Accounting, Eighth Edition, continues to define managerial accounting with such features as: A consolidated, in-depth review of the fundamentals of accounting Insight into the analysis and interpretation of financial ...