Originally published in 1979, this concordance to Heart of Darkness is intended for use by the general student of Conrad who wants to determine the exact denotation and connotation of Conrad’s vocabulary, or the patterns of imagery in his work, quickly and effortlessly. It prints under each word every logical context in which it occurs. This volume is part of a series which produced verbal indexes, concordances, and related data for all of Conrad’s works.
This volume is part of a series which produced verbal indexes, concordances, and related data for all of Conrad’s works.
Considered by many Conrad's finest, most enigmatic story. In Conrad's haunting tale, Marlow, a seaman and wanderer, recounts his physical and psychological journey in search of the enigmatic Kurtz.
This highly symbolic story is actually a story within a story, or frame tale, following a man named Charlie Marlow as he recounts his adventure to a group of men on a ship at dusk and continuing into the evening.
Originally published in 1985, this volume follows others in the series.
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Todd K. Bender, Todd K.. Bender. Abbreviations Page references for quoted matter are incorporated into the text . Unless otherwise indicated , translations are my own . Garland Publishing , Inc. has published concordances to nearly all ...
“His people will be shocked,” I murmured. Hollis looked fixedly at Karain, who was the incarnation of the very essence of still excitement. He stood rigid, with head thrown back; his eyes rolled wildly, flashing; the dilated nostrils ...
The novel is considered to be Conrad's masterpiece and remains his most influential work. The satiric tale, The Duel: A Military Tale, is set during the Napoleonic era and exposes the absurdity of honorable action and futility of war.
This illustrated edition brings the story to life with striking images that capture the mood and themes of Conrad's narrative.