Originally published in 1976, this publication falls into three parts: The Verbal Index, The Word Frequency Table, and The Field of Reference. A scholar interested in the full range of connotation for the word heart in Conrad would look first to the word frequency table to see how often the word in question occurs in Lord Jim. If the word is indeed part of the vocabulary of the novel, he then would turn to its alphabetical listing in the verbal index and the line numbers in which it appears. Then turning to the field of reference, he could locate the lines cited and look at each occurrence of the word in context. The authors feel that the data provided by these tables is of basic importance to both the editor and the literary critic.
Invito alia lettura di Conrad. Milano: Mursia, 1984, rev. ed. 1994. Ehrsam,T.G. A Bibliography of Joseph Conrad. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1969. Higdon, D.L., et al. "Conrad Bibliography: A Continuing Checklist.
Lord Jim , ed . Thomas C. Moser ( New York : Norton , 1968 ) . Hans van Marle : ' The Location of Lord Jim's Patusan ' ( Notes and Queries CCXIII ( N.S. 15 ) , August , 1968 , pp . 289-91 ) . A Concordance to Conrad's ' Lord Jim ' ...
This volume is part of a series which produced verbal indexes, concordances, and related data for all of Conrad’s works.
Parins, J. W., Dilligan, R. J. and Bender, T. K., A Concordance to Conrad's Lord Jim (New York: Garland, 1976). Parry, Benita, Conrad and Imperalism (London: Macmillan, 1983). Pascal, Roy, The Dual Voice (Manchester: Manchester ...
Therefore , though we shall make expeditions into the later books and bring back wonderful trophies , large tracts of them will remain by most of us untrodden . " Similarly , in " Reminiscences of Conrad , " Galsworthy said of the work ...
This volume is part of an experimental series which produced verbal indexes, concordances, and related data for all of Conrad’s works.
ossession:-amā'the “oise: , ś head'ail but lying under her as deadly, ... seemed to undes stand, exactly how to deal with conceited death 's head.
Todd K. Bender, Todd K.. Bender. Abbreviations Page references for quoted matter are incorporated into the text . Unless otherwise indicated , translations are my own . Garland Publishing , Inc. has published concordances to nearly all ...
It prints under each word every logical context in which it occurs. This volume is part of a series which produced verbal indexes, concordances, and related data for all of Conrad’s works.
... the complex young man dreaming of women he has known , yet not necessarily the tortured and confused patient of Bernard C. Meyer's psychoanalytic biography , who is preoccupied with “ tokens of reassurance against castration ” and ...