This work is an exploratory examination of the experiences, motivations, and coping mechanisms of women who are involved in intimate relationships with registered sexual offenders. The study focuses both on women who were involved with an offender prior to the commission of his offense and who stayed with him post-conviction, and on women who became involved with a registered offender after his sex offense conviction. Like the offender himself, these women face a variety of challenges in responding to treatment of them by friends, family, the community, and the criminal justice system. Utilizing the results of intensive interviews, this work provides a unique look at the women who are one of the few sources of support for registered sexual offenders and assesses the effectiveness and wide-ranging implications of community notification and registration laws on public safety, policy, and practice. This work offers alternative approaches based on evidence and case studies and considers the significance of familial contact in buffering sexual recidivism. These women are the heretofore unstudied victims of sexual offending legislation. This book is essential reading for those in sociology, criminology, psychology, and social work. For undergraduate or graduate students, practitioners, researchers, or policy makers, this thought-provoking book will shed light on how to optimize the reintegration of sex offenders. It assesses the effectiveness and wide-ranging implications of sex offender legislation on public safety, policy, and practice and considers alternative approaches to reduce sexual violence.
This book brings together chapters by academics, researchers and practitioners to analyse how crimes such as sex work, domestic violence and rape and sexual assault have risen up the Government agenda in recent years.
"Sexual assault continues to be a pervasive problem, both for society in general and within the military community. To assist the Air Force in its continued efforts to combat sexual...
Yoshito Takeuchi (Tokyo, 2010); Michael Faraday, A história Química de uma Vela, trans. with notes M. Isabel Prata and Sérgio Rodrigues (Coimbra, 2011). 3 Jane Gregory and Steve Miller, Science in Public: Communication, Introduction.
Featuring a collection of essays by leading experts, Female Sexual Offenders: Theory, Assessment and Treatment is the first book to bring together current research, clinical assessment, and treatment techniques of female sexual offenders ...
Race, Riots and Policing: Law and Disorder in a Multi-Racist Society. London: University College London Press; Macpherson, W. (1999). The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry, Report of an Inquiry by Sir William Macpherson of Cluny, Cm 4262-1.
In P. B. Anderson & C. Struckman-Johnson (Eds.), Sexually aggressive women: Current perspectives and controversies. New York: Guilford Press. American Association of University Women Educational Foundation. (1993).
This unique text focuses on what factors increase the likelihood of being a convicted offender, and what treatment possibilities lay ahead for these individuals.
Sexual crimes such as rape, sexually motivated murder and child molestation are constantly in the news, but how much is really known about the minds of the perpetrators? Holmes has...
Sex offender registration and notification act: Jurisdictions face challenges to implementing the act, and stakeholders report positive and negative effects. Retrieved from Vasquez, B. E., ...
Prisons: Inmate Populations and Subcultures Prisons, Problems and Recent Developments ... Briefs of Leading Cases in Corrections, 2nd ed., Cincinnati, OH, Anderson Publishing Company. DiIulio, J.J. (1990).