Drawing on recent work in sport studies, business and management, health, science, and law, this book offers a critical examination of the latest published research on sport and environmental sustainability. It examines how strategic management, policy and education influence the relationship between sport and the natural environment, and how the transmission and advancement of knowledge via research journals can, and should, have an impact on policy and practice. Covering sport at all levels, from professional to non-profit, and across all sectors of sport management, from marketing and events to facilities and communications, Sport and Environmental Sustainability makes a powerful argument for an awareness of, and need for, environmental sustainability in sport. Chapters outline the research and methods used, expose gaps in the literature and encourage opportunities for future inter-disciplinary research. Topics include sport and climate change, sport and safeguarding air and water quality, education for sustainability, and sport policy. This is an invaluable resource for researchers in sport and environmental sustainability, and academics working in sport management, business, recreation and leisure studies, and sustainability programs, as well as sport policymakers and industry practitioners.
This is the first book to consider the intersections of sport, international development and environmental sustainability.
This book is guided by mainstream natural environment research in sport and business. Its central departure point is the recognized need to address environmental issues in the world of sport and the unique social, economic, ...
This is essential reading for any course on sport and sustainable development, and important background reading for any course in sport management, sport development, event studies, environment and society, business and the environment, or ...
This book examines the logic of ‘faster, higher, and stronger’ and the technoscientific revolution that has driven tremendous growth in the sports economy and in sport performance over the last 100 years.
This seminal book details the most important insights from these experts in making sport more sustainable, and in using sport to promote sustainability.
Environmental Sustainability in Sports, Physical Activity and Education, and Outdoor Life
Dogs in the leisure experience. London: CABI. Catlin, J., Hughes, M., ... Leisure Studies, 38(3), 291–302. doi:10.1080/02614367.2019.1628802 Dashper, K. (2010). It's a form of freedom: The experiences of people with disabilities within ...
The Routledge Handbook of Sport and Sustainable Development is a comprehensive and powerful survey of the ways in which sport engages with its social, environmental, and ethical responsibilities.
This is a must-read for students and researchers in media, communications, sociology, cultural studies, and environmental studies.
This book goes further than any other in surveying both the challenges and the opportunities presented to the sports industry as it engages with the sustainability agenda, exploring the various ways in which sport scholars can integrate ...