Narrating Nomadism provides an unflinching account of ethnic groups and nomadic communities across the world that were branded as ‘criminal’ during colonial times. It explores the tragic effect of the new identity imposed on them, the traumatic survival of these communities and cultures, and the creative expression of this experience in their arts and literature in the form of resistance. Presenting specific contexts and locations of cultural devastation in history, the volume traces colonial social imagination as such, showing how the grossly misperceived non-sedentary communities in the colonies were subjected to the mission of ‘settling’ them. The essays presented here document these alternative histories from perspectives ranging from literary criticism and art history to ethnography and socio-linguistics, highlighting in what ways different nomadic communities negotiate discrimination and challenge in contemporary times, while finding remarkable convergence in their local histories and collective testimonies. This anthology opens up a new area in postcolonial studies as well as cultural anthropology by bringing the viewpoint of marginalized communities and their cultural rights to bear upon history, society and culture. It places an activist’s ‘view from below’ at the centre of literary interpretation, engages with oral history more substantially than folklore studies usually do, and brings together several historical narratives hitherto unexplored. This will be essential for students of anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, history, linguistics, post-colonial studies, literature and tribal studies, as well as the general reader.
... nomadism that contrasts with what Glissant calls the “invading nomadism” of the Huns, the Vandals or the Conquistadors, “whose goal was to conquer lands by exterminating their occupants” (Poetics of Relation, 12). But Glissant is ...
This book argues that integrating artistic contributions – with an emphasis on culture and language – can make Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects more accessible, and therefore promote creativity and ...
... Nomad called Thief: Reflections on Adivasi Silence (Hyderabad: Orient Longman, 2006). ——. Painted Words. An Anthology of Tribal Literature (New Delhi: Penguin, 2002). ——, Geoffrey V. Davis & K.K. Chakravarty, ed. Narrating Nomadism ...
Performing Identities brings together essays by scholars, artists and activists engaged in understanding and conserving rapidly disappearing local knowledge forms of indigenous communities across continents.
Focusing on the interactive relations between (post)modernist writing and postcolonial literatures as well as the interconnections ... She is currently co-editing Translocated Modernisms, a book on the cross-fertilization between early, ...
... Nomad Called Thief (2007), The G. N. Devy Reader (2009), Narrating Nomadism: Tales of Recovery and Resistance (co-edited with G.V. Davis and K.K. Chakravarty, 2013) and Knowing Differently (co- edited with G.V. Davis and K.K. ...
... Narrative , and the Margins of the Modern Nation ' , in Homi K.Bhabha ( ed . ) , Nation and Narration , pp . 291-322 ... Narrating Nomadism : Tales of Recovery and Resistance . New Delhi : Routledge . Dialogue between Nations . 1992 ...
... Nomads: Essays on Francophone African Literature and Culture (1998), Theories of Africans: Francophone Literature ... Narrating Nomadism: Tales of Recovery and Resistance (2012), Repenser la diversité: le sujet diasporique (2013), and ...
Migritude indicates the work and ideas of a disparate yet distinct group of younger African authors born after independence in the 1960s.
... Narrating Nomadism, Knowing Differently, Performing Freedom and The Language of the Indigenous (Routledge). Aone Van ... storytelling. Topics of his interest are lexical parallelism, oral poetry and the use of Indonesian and indigenous ...