This book examines the security dynamics of the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific, concentrating upon an analysis and evaluation of the air power capabilities of the various powers active in the two regions. The volume is designed to help improve understanding of the heritage and contemporary challenges confronting the global community in the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific, as well as to illuminate the policies of the various powers involved in the affairs of these regions, and the military capabilities that are available in support of those policies. The 16 individual chapters examine both the traditional and the non-traditional threats that confront the various Indian Ocean and Western Pacific powers, and assess the roles played by land-based and naval, fixed-wing and rotary-wing, manned and unmanned aircraft, as well as by offensively and defensively capable ballistic and cruise missiles in addressing these challenges. In doing so, the various chapters analyze and evaluate the air power doctrine, capabilities, deployment patterns, and missions of the respective states. In addition, they assess the future issues, challenges, and responses involving air power as it, acting in concert with other military instruments, seeks to contribute to securing and promoting the interests of the state. This book will be of much interest to students of air power, strategic studies, Asian and Middle Eastern politics, and International Relations.
"This book focuses on security dynamics in the contemporary Gulf and Arabian Peninsula.
This book complements the material presented in its companion volume, Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific, by analysing the perceptions, interests, objectives, maritime capabilities, and policies of the major ...
This valuable study highlights the current prospects for peace and security in the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific and evaluates possible alternative scenarios for future developments in what is rapidly becoming recognized as an ...
This work will be of interest to researchers and policy makers involved in regional studies, as well as security studies, conflict resolution, military, and peace studies.
This book explains why the idea of the Indo-Pacific is so strategically important and concludes with a strategy designed to help the West engage with Chinese power in the region in such a way as to avoid conflict.
Maritime Priorities and Naval Force Structure in the Asia-Pacific Region Since the end of the Second World War, a balance of power strategy ... covering the Western Pacific, Japan, Korean Peninsula, Philippines, ANZUS, and Indian Ocean.
The F-4 flown by Southwick and Laing, however, ran out of fuel and had to ditch at sea, but both men were rescued by a Navy SAR helo.6 Two more MiGs fell to the F-8s from the Bon Homme Richard. As the Air Force struck air bases in the ...
"With a new afterword by the author"--Cover.
Berger, Brett, and Robert F. Martin, The Growth ofChinese Exports: An Examination ofthe Detailed Trade Data, Washington, D.C.: Board of Governors of the U.S. Federal Reserve System, International Finance Discussion Paper 1033, ...
Khalilzad, Zalmay, David T. Orletsky, Jonathan D. Pollack, Kevin L. Pollpeter, Angel Rabasa, David Shlapak, Abram Shulsky and Ashley J. Tellis, The United States and Asia: towards a new US strategy and force posture, Santa Monica, ...