This book is written by a team of speech and language therapists from The Wolfson Neurorehabilitation Centre. It is intended for practitioners working with patients who have acquired communication disorders resulting from brain injury: aphasia, cognitive-communication disorder, dysarthria, apraxia. The authors believe that a therapeutic programme should have it's foundations in the linguistic, non-verbal, neurological and neurospsychological perspective of the patient's difficulties. The approach the team has developed consists of several different strangs of therapy, with each strand representing an element of the rehabilitation process: assessment; goal planning; specific individualised treatment; education; friends and family; and psychosocial adjustment. This book describes these strands, illustrates in a user-friendly way how each one relates to therapy, and fives some practical ideas of how practitioners might work within them. Each chapter begins with the guiding principles and evidence bases that underlie the rationale for one particular strand of therapy. They then follow examples of practice and case studies of a real-life example of each strand. This book describes a speech and language therapy service that aims to be responsive to patients' needs and develops tailor-made intervention programmes that arer unique to each individual. It includes CD containing assessments and practical tools.
STRANDS OF SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY: Weaving Plan for Neurorehabilitation
The selected contributions in this volume bring together applications of pragmatics in speech and language pathology, as well as discussions of the applicability of different theoretical strands of the study of human linguistic interaction ...
In R. J. McCauley & M. E. Frey (Eds.), Treatment of language disorders in children (pp. 77–104). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes. Gitlin-Weiner, K., Sandarund, A., & Schaefer, C. (Eds.). Play diagnosis and assessment (pp. 15–57).
Therapy Outcome Measures (TOMs) (Enderby et al. 2006), use a four strand system for profiling the client at a point 'a' which can then be revisited at a point 'b'. The strands link to the International Classification of Functioning ...
This book covers the anatomy, physiology and neuroscience relevant to the practice of speech and language therapy. It does so in sufficient detail to equip students with an understanding of...
It was also clear that previous SLT input had not viewed the presenting stuttering difficulties in relation to the bilingual French–Italian speaking home background. The dysfluency was starting to have significant psycholinguistic and ...
Sylvia Taylor-Goh. Taylor & Francis Taylor & Francis Group Taylor & Francis Taylor & Francis Group FOCUS GROUPS.
This book illustrates the impact of applied linguistics on curriculum frameworks and pedagogy.
Network for Tuning Standards and Quality of Education 22 neuroanatomy 399 neuropsychological approaches: Bulgaria 160, ... Marika 203–214 palliative care 31 paragrammatism 136–137 parent-child interaction 11, 73, 75, 76; Bulgaria 161; ...
Dyson, A., Lyn, M. and Millward, A. (1998) Effective Communication Between Schools, LEAs, Health and Social Services in the ... (2006d) The Effective Teacher's Guide to Autism and Other Communication Difficulties, London, Routledge.