As the telecommunication and information field expands and becomes more varied, so do publications about these technologies and industries. This book is a first attempt to provide a general guide to that wealth of English-language publications -- both books and periodicals -- on all aspects of telecommunication. It is a comprehensive, evaluative sourcebook for telecommunications research in the United States that brings together a topically-arranged, cross-referenced, and indexed volume in one place. The information provided is only available by consulting a succession of different directories, guides, bibliographies, yearbooks, and other resources. On the one hand, it is a directory that describes in detail the major entities that comprise the American telecommunication research infrastructure including federal and state government offices and agencies, and private, public, and corporate research institutions. On the other hand, it is a bibliography that identifies and assesses the most important and useful reference and critical resources about U.S. telecommunication history, technology, industry and economics, social applications and impacts, plus policy, law and regulations, and role in the global telecommunication marketplace. No existing guide covers all of these aspects in the depth and detail of this volume.
Wetherefore were pleased when the following people, all occupying key positions at important research centers, agreed to help us identify and describe many of the resources listed here. Each of them provided at least two rounds of ...
This reference book is designed as a road map for researchers who need to find specific information about American mass communication as expeditiously as possible.
Introducing Communication Research: Paths of Inquiry, Fourth Edition demystifies the theories and applications of communication research through its focus on methods in practice.
The Index, Reader’s Guide themes, and Cross-References combine to provide robust search-and-browse in the e-version.
Key features of the book include: A review of current issues and future directions in 13 topical areas of organizational communication research.
The third model, derived from Ryall (1987), is perhaps more directly associated with genre criticism, since it posits a more fluid relationship between the genre product, the audience and the artist. Genre Artist --> Art product ...
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) (limited access is free at 6. ... You can find a lot of interesting stuff online using a general search engine, including some worthwhile communication research resources.
This is a guide for students doing library research in the broad field of communication.
... (a) the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that can help assure mass communication students of research success; and (b) the classes that can enhance competence. First, students need to know what pertinent reference sources exist.
An annual review of communication research, published by the International Communication Association. ... Use your own academic library to find more specialized resources such as Broadcasting and Cable Yearbook or the Handbook of ...