This new edition follows the original format, which combines a detailed case study - the production of phthalic anhydride - with practical advice and comprehensive background information. Guiding the reader through all major aspects of a chemical engineering design, the text includes both the initial technical and economic feasibility study as well as the detailed design stages. Each aspect of the design is illustrated with material from an award-winning student design project. The book embodies the "learning by doing" approach to design. The student is directed to appropriate information sources and is encouraged to make decisions at each stage of the design process rather than simply following a design method. Thoroughly revised, updated, and expanded, the accompanying text includes developments in important areas and many new references.
This text is designed for chemical and biochemical engineering students (senior undergraduate year, plus appropriate for capstone design courses where taken, plus graduates) and lecturers/tutors, and professionals in industry (chemical ...
The Wilson equation (Wilson, 1964) is probably the most convenient for use in process design: In y = 10-m $ wo- $ | * | (8.38) j = 1 i = 1 $ (x, Aij) j = 1 where % = activity coefficient for component k, A, A, = Wilson coefficients (A ...
This book describes the fascinating wealth of activities as they occur in the design, construction and commissioning of a chemical plant - a jigsaw puzzle of the work of chemical engineers, chemists, constructors, architects, electrical ...
Bottom line: For a holistic view of chemical engineering design, this book provides as much, if not more, than any other book available on the topic.
This friendly guide charts a path through the fundamentals of data science and then delves into the actual work: linear regression, logical regression, machine learning, neural networks, recommender engines, and cross-validation of models.
It is expected that this book will enhance students understanding and performance in the field and the development of the profession worldwide.
This volume summarizes the results after 9 years of cooperative research work. The focus of IMRPOVE is on understanding, formalizing, evaluating, and, consequently, improving design processes in chemical engineering.
This book takes a practical, step-by-step approach to designing sustainable plants and processes by starting from chemical engineering fundamentals.
This book provides the engineering and process safety deliverables for each project phase along with the impacts to the project budget, timeline and the safety and operability of the delivered equipment.
This comprehensive work shows how to design and develop innovative, optimal and sustainable chemical processes by applying the principles of process systems engineering, leading to integrated sustainable processes with 'green' attributes.