Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology

Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology
Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology
Allen C. Israel, Jennifer Weil Malatras, Rita Wicks-Nelson


Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology is a comprehensive introduction to the field. It covers theoretical and methodological foundations and examines the characteristics, epidemiology, etiology, developmental course, assessment, and treatment of disorders of childhood and adolescence. At the heart of the text is the partnership of the developmental psychopathology perspective, which analyzes problems of youth within a developmental context, and a traditional clinical/disorder approach, which underscores the symptoms, causes, and treatments of disorders. Woven throughout the text is the view that behavior stems from the continuous interaction of multiple influences, that the problems of the young are intricately tied to their social and cultural contexts, and that empirical approaches and the scientific method provide the best avenue for understanding the complexity of human behavior. This edition explores the latest areas of research and tackles important contemporary topics, including: how to best classify and diagnose problems the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) framework the roles of genetics and early brain development and their interaction with the environment the complex roles of family and peers; sex/gender; and culture, ethnicity, and race in psychopathology progress in early intervention and prevention improvements in accessibility and dissemination of evidence-based treatments social issues such as poverty, child maltreatment, substance use, bullying/victimization, and terrorism and war This edition also features a new full-color design and over 150 color figures, tables, and photos. The text is written in a clear and engaging style and is approachable for students with varying academic backgrounds and experiences. It is rich in case descriptions that allow students to examine problems through the lens of youth and their families. The "Accent" boxes foster discussion of current interest topics such as infant mental health, scientific evidence regarding vaccines and autism, suicidality in sexual minority youth, and the impact of stigmatization. The "Looking Forward" sections focus students’ attention on the central concepts to be addressed, while the "Looking Back" sections provide students with a synopsis of the chapter an overview of the concepts for further study and reflection. The text is also supplemented with online resources for students and instructors.

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