Routledge Handbook of Counter-Narratives is a landmark volume providing students, university lecturers, and practitioners with a comprehensive and structured guide to the major topics and trends of research on counter-narratives. The concept of counter-narratives covers resistance and opposition as told and framed by individuals and social groups. Counter-narratives are stories impacting on social settings that stand opposed to (perceived) dominant and powerful master-narratives. In sum, the contributions in this handbook survey how counter-narratives unfold power to shape and change various fields. Fields investigated in this handbook are organizations and professional settings, issues of education, struggles and concepts of identity and belonging, the political field, as well as literature and ideology. The handbook is framed by a comprehensive introduction as well as a summarizing chapter providing an outlook on future research avenues. Its direct and clear appeal will support university learning and prompt both students and researchers to further investigate the arena of narrative research.
Counter-narratives and Organization
This Handbook presents a transnational and interdisciplinary study of refugee narratives, broadly defined.
“ Every picture tells a story ' : Uses of the visual in sociological research . In E. S. Lyon & J. Busfield ( Eds ... Film making and ethnographic research . ... Visual methodologies : An introduction to interpreting visual objects .
In this book, Vida L. Midgelow illustrates the ways in which these contemporary reworkings destroy and recreate their source material, turning ballet from a classical performance to a vital exploration of gender, sexuality and cultural ...
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 39(4), Political Resilience to Terrorism in Europe, 292–307. El-Said, Hamed (2015). ... Far right-wing extremism and xenophobia in contemporary Russia. Berlin: GRIN Verlag GMBH.
Incorporating a breadth of narrative, visual, ethnographic and embodied methods, as well as ways for analysing naturally occurring data, this Handbook offers exciting new interdisciplinary perspectives on the study of identity in and around ...
Films of President Reagan's America (1996), Television in Black-and-White America: Race and National Identity (2006), The Theatre of August Wilson (2018), and Demographic Angst: Cultural Narratives in the Films of President Reagan's ...
The Routledge Handbook of French Politics and Culture provides a detailed survey of the highly differentiated field of research on French politics, society and culture across the social sciences and humanities.
... counter- narratives are always genuinely emancipatory voices from the margin.33 I have proposed that the master narrative of the well - functioning welfare state that may indeed still dominate in the Nordic countries is precisely such ...
Youngs, R. (2014) The Uncertain Legacy of Crisis: European Foreign Policy Faces the Future, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. PART III European Neighbourhood Policymaking Institutional dynamics, actors and instruments.