Approximately 1500 scientists from around the globe participated in the InternationalGrassland Congress at the University of Kentucky in 1981, sharing existingknowledge of grasslands and exploring methods for increasing the productivity oflivestock/forage systems so as to better feed mankind while maintaining or improvingenvironmental quality. Of the nearly 500 papers presented on previously unpublishedoriginal research or experimental research and development projects, 273 were selectedfor inclusion in this book. They cover the current basic and applied research on productionand utilization of forages from grasslands the world over.
Proceedings of the ... International Grassland Congress
763-768, in: Proceedings of the XIX International Grassland Congress. Sao Pedro, Brazil, 11-21 February 2001. ... 33-42, in: British Grassland Society Occasional Symposium, No. 14. Wilkins, R.J. 1988. The preservation of forages, pp.
Proceedings of the XIV International Grassland Congress, pp. 275–278. Gonzales, Y. and Mendoza, F. (1989) Détermination de la meilleure date de récolte pour Andropogon gayanus CIAT 621. Proceedings of the XVI International Grassland ...
Proceedings of the XIV International Grassland Congress (Lexington), pp 342–344. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press Bleuten W and Cerutti M (1984) De huidige en toekomstige nitraat- en sulfaatbelasting van grond- en drinkwater van de ...
on Rangeland Rehabilitation and Development in the Near East . FAO : Rome , October , AGP 810. 14 pp . , mimeo . ( 1986 ) . ... Proceedings XIV International Grassland Congress , Kentucky , USA , pp . 432-4 . Luk , S.H. ( 1983 ) .
In : Proceedings of the XIV International Grassland Congress . Lexington , pp . 532-534 . Bate - Smith , E.C. ( 1975 ) Phytochemistry of proanthocyanidins . Phytochemistry 16 , 1421 . Beever , D.E. ( 1993 ) Rumen function .
Journal of Range Management 28 : 61-64 . Shelton H.M. and Humphreys L.R. ... the XIV International Grassland Congress . pp . 393-395 . ... XVII International Grassland Congress , Poster Paper , Closing Congress 19-21 February 1993 .
Proceedings of the XVII International Grassland Congress: Sessions 27-51, Palmerston North, N.Z., Hamilton, N.Z., Lincoln, N.Z
Proceedings of the XIV International Grassland Congress held at Lexington , Kentucky , USA , June 15-24 , 1981. Westview Press , Boulder , CO , USA . p . 302-305 . Spain , J. M. 1979. Pasture establishment and management in the Llanos ...
In : Holas , J. and Kratchovil , J. ( eds ) Proceedings of 7th World Cereal Congress , Amsterdam . Elsevier , Amsterdam , pp . 607-647 . ... In : Proceedings of the XIV International Grassland Congress , Boulder , USA .