Teaching Mathematics in Primary Schools: Principles for effective practice

Teaching Mathematics in Primary Schools: Principles for effective practice
Teaching Mathematics in Primary Schools
Robyn Jorgensen


'This is an outstanding book: it should be high on the list of any primary school teacher's set of references and a required text for pre-service teachers.' Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom In our technology-rich world, numeracy is just as important as the smartphone in your pocket. Students need to develop mathematical ways of seeing the world and strong problem-solving skills, and those foundations are taught in the primary school classroom. Teaching Mathematics in Primary Schools covers the mathematical content taught in primary and middle years, always emphasising how students can connect what they learn in mathematics with other curriculum areas and with the world beyond the classroom. The authors draw on the latest international research to show how teachers can develop a rich repertoire of classroom teaching techniques, and effective planning, assessment and reporting methods. They outline approaches to creating supportive learning environments for all students, and to building their knowledge and confidence in using mathematics. This third edition has been updated throughout and includes a new chapter on numeracy. Evidence-based uses of digital technologies to support learning and teaching are included in every chapter. With practical strategies that can be implemented in the classroom, this book is an invaluable resource for pre-service and early career primary and middle years mathematics teachers.

Other editions

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