This edited collection brings together leading academics, researchers, and police personnel to provide a comprehensive body of literature that informs Australian police education, training, research, policy, and practice. There is a strong history and growth in police education, both in Australia and globally. Recognising and reflecting on the Australian and New Zealand Policing Advisory Agency (ANZPAA) education and training framework, the range of chapters within the book address a range of 21st-century issues modern police forces face. This book discusses four key themes: Education, training, and professional practice: topics include police education, ethics, wellbeing, and leadership Organisational approaches and techniques: topics include police discretion, use of force, investigative interviewing, and forensic science Operational practices and procedures: topics include police and the media, emergency management, cybercrime, terrorism, and community management Working with individuals and groups: topics include mental health, Indigenous communities, young people, hate crime, domestic violence, and working with victims Australian Policing: Critical Issues in 21st Century Police Practice draws together theoretical and practice debates to ensure this book will be of interest to those who want to join the police, those who are currently training to become a police officer, and those who are currently serving. This book is essential reading for all students, scholars, and researchers engaged with policing and the criminal justice sector.
Traditionally based on a military model, most police organisations have been characterised by a masculine culture (Brough, 2016; Burke & Mikkelsen, 2005; Charlesworth & Robertson, 2012; Paterson, 2014; Winlow, 2001) which contributes ...
This book is designed for first year policing students, but will also be useful in criminology courses.
Efficiency and Effectiveness in Australian Policing: A Citizen's Guide to Police Services
Perhaps some dirty hands situations are dilemmatic in this sense , but there is no necessary correlation between some ... even when defeated by other moral reasons , then they should continue to bear on a person's practical reasoning .
[Review Article of Ericson & Haggerty's Policing the risk society]. Economy and Society, 28(1), 138–148. O'Malley, P. (2000). Uncertain subjects: Risks, liberalism and contract. Economy and Society, 29(4), 460–484. O'Malley, P. (2001).
This book provides new insights into police cooperation from a comparative socio-legal perspective.
This book is a concise introductory exploration of policing in contemporary Australia.
To Preserve and Protect exposes political power abuse, corruption, mismanagement, professional burnout, and gendered justice, issues which continue to challenge police forces.
Fostering a dependency culture: The commodification of community policing in a global market place. In A. Goldsmith & J. Sheptycki (Eds.), Crafting transnational policing: Police capacity-building and global police reform.
This book presents essays on them which are based on research papers prepared for the Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service by three of Australia's leading police researchers: Janet Chan, David Dixon and Mark Finnane.