'.a valuable resource book for teachers, child care workers and school administrators on preventing, identifying and handling cases of child abuse and neglect. [It includes] a unique international perspective on child protection.' Associate Professor Sandy K Wurtele, University of Colorado 'Many books stop at the what should be done, but this book goes beyond that to tell us the how. It is sound, practical and most welcomed.' Wilma Bartlett, The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, UK Teachers and early childhood workers are the only professionals in contact with abused children for long periods of time. Although they are seldom aware of their importance, they can provide the child's best defence against abuse. Abused children exhibit identifiable behaviours and perform less well in school than their peers. Educators and caregivers can learn to observe children's development and respond to their special needs. Schools have always taken responsibility for teaching children to stay safe from traffic, fire, water and electricity. They are also in the best position for teaching children to stay safe with people. Child Protection is a comprehensive guide to the common forms of child abuse and neglect. It offers practical help for the identification of child abuse and neglect and the support of the child victims and, in particular, the provision of curriculum for child protection. Freda Briggs, formerly a teacher and social worker is Professor Child Development at the University of South Australia. She is also the author of From Victim To Offender, Why My Child?, Developing Personal Safety Skills In Children With Disabilities, Keep Children Safe and Child Sexual Abuse: Confronting The Problem. Russell Hawkins is a psychologist in private practice and a senior lecturer in Psychology at the University of South Australia.
Each of the six wrongly accused families profiled in this book faced an epic and life-changing battle when child protection caseworkers came to their homes to take their kids.
"This sweeping account analyzes the theory and policies that have shaped today's child protection system.
Murray Straus, reporting on a number of studies including a large survey based exclusively on reports from women informants, concluded that the frequency of assaults by wives on husbands was actually about the same as that of assaults ...
Provides guidance to nonlawyers who work with the judicial system.
These principles guide practice and direct the course of policymaking, but when liberated from their aspirational context and placed in the real world, they are fraught with contradiction.
A Practical Guide for Social Workers Dr. Kenneth Lau, LCSW, Ms. Kathryn Krase, JD, LCSW, Mr. Richard H. Morse, LMSW. Kenneth J. Lau, LCSW-R, ... Ms. Krase is most thrilled to be the mother of Jack Anthony Cahill. Richard H. Morse, MSW, ...
"The timing of the publication with the revised Working Together guidelines could not be more advantageous. This book is a unique and important contribution to child care literature. No agency should be without.
This open access book critically explores what child protection policy and professional practice would mean if practice was grounded in human rights standards.
This comprehensive handbook is a useful tool for practitioners in understanding the casework process.
This collection of timely works will offer significant scholarly perspectives on one of the most important issues in public policy.Each year thousands of minority children from cities are taken into foster care in rural areas.