This book is a pragmatic, case-rich guide to how current and future public relations practitioners can apply ethical principles and the industry’s codes of ethics to their day-to-day work. Authors Trevor Morris and Simon Goldsworthy draw on their years of industry and academic experience to illustrate key ethical issues and ground them in reality, all within an international frame of reference. Public Relations Ethics incorporates interviews with industry practitioners, offering contrasting perspectives as well as recent examples of real-life complaints and disciplinary issues. Provocative questions and exercises help readers grapple with ethical dilemmas and review the key scenarios and challenges that PR people face. The book is ideal at the undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education levels as a core text for public relations ethics courses and a supplementary text for general public relations survey courses. Accompanying the text are online resources for both students and instructors, including lecture slides and links to further resources.
McDonald, Michael [accessed 2 October 2003] Ethics and Conflict of Interest. 2. Kernaghan, Kenneth and Langford, John (1990) The Responsible Public Servant, Institute for Research on ...
Fully updated, this third edition includes an entirely new chapter on the uses of ethics in social media, covering topical issues such as blogger engagement and the relationship between employee social media activity and organizational ...
"This is an intelligent book about serious issues in public relations: accountability, responsibility, transparency, loyalty, truthtelling, and fairness. It should be required reading in boardrooms, in PR classrooms, and at the Pentagon.
In this rapidly changing communications environment, the long-term implications of social media are uncertain, and this book provides the much needed research to understand its impact on audiences and organizations.
This text highlights the delicate balance required to navigate the values and demands implicit to the field of public relations and those that underlie society as a whole.
This thought-provoking book will be essential reading for students, academics and professionals with an interest in public relations, ethics and professionalism.
Ethics in Public Relations: Responsible Advocacy is the first book to identify universal principles of responsible advocacy in public relations.
First Published in 2009. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
In other words, saying, “In my opinion, Jane Smith is an embezzler,” does not make the statement an opinion.30 It can still be proved false. Two categories of statements are protected by the First Amendment opinion defense: • vague ...
The second edition continues to address the classical approaches to ethics, business ethics, theories of public relations ethics, ethics codes, and personal ethics.