Nutritional Oncology: Nutrition in Cancer Prevention, Treatment, and Survivorship presents evidence-based approaches to the study and application of nutrition in all phases of cancer including prevention, treatment, and survivorship. There is a long history of interest in the role of nutrition in cancer but only in the last 50 years has this interdisciplinary field developed scientific evidence from a combination of population studies, basic research, and clinical studies. Precision oncology, targeted therapies and immunonutrition have led to advances in cancer treatment and prevention. Highlighting insights from Precision Oncology and Precision Nutrition to improve cancer prevention, treatment and survival is the core mission of this book. The editors have over 40 years of clinical and research experience integrating science with practical advice based on available evidence for healthcare professionals while highlighting research vistas for the scientific community. Features: Comprehensive treatment of all aspects of nutrition and cancer, including prevention, response to treatment, avoidance of relapse and promotion of quality of life for cancer survivors. Examines alternative medicines and botanical dietary supplements and identifies hypotheses for future research based on science. This book is written for doctors, dietitians, and other health care professional advising cancer patients, cancer survivors and the general public.
Weir HK, Thun MJ, Hankey BF, Ries LA, Howe HL, Wingo PA, Jemal A, Ward E, Anderson RN, Edwards BK. Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975–2000, featuring the uses of surveillance data for cancer prevention and control ...
Butterworth C Jr, Hatch K, Gore H, et al. Improvement in cervical dysplasia asso- ciated with folic acid therapy in users of oral contraceptives. Am J Clin Nutr. 1982;35:73–82. 5. Sesink AL, Termont DS, Kleibeuker JH, et al.
This book is intended to fill the void by describing and evaluating in detail the nutritional strategies that may be employed to alleviate a wide variety of cancer treatment effects.
"A comprehensive reference for professionals providing up-to-date oncology nutrition practice recommendations, the latest nutrition assessment tools, current knowledge, and support and resources"--
This comprehensive reference book provides both background information and practical, clinical advice on all areas of nutrition for the cancer patient at all stages of their disease trajectory.
Nutrition in Cancer Care: A Quick Reference for Nutritional Oncology
Edited by Dr Clare Shaw, Head of Rehabilitation Research at the Royal Marsden Hospital, Nutrition and Cancer Care takes an unrivalled look at this prevalent disease, offering the reader: A practical guide to good nutrition and dietetic ...
An estimated 90 percent of oncology patients in the United States receive treatment in outpatient cancer centers and clinics.
Study protocol : A randomized clinical trial of parenteral nutrition in malnourished surgical patients . American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , 47 , 366-381 . Buzby , G.P. , Mullen , J.L. , Stein , T.P. , Miller , E.E. , Hobbs , C.L. ...
Tjonneland,A., Christensen,J.,Olsen, A., et al.(2007) Alcohol intake andbreast cancer risk: the European ProspectiveInvestigation intoCancerand Nutrition (EPIC). Cancer Causes and Control 18(4), 361–373. Voorrips, L.E., Brants, H.A., ...