Authors Coombs and Harker provide step-by-step guidance on how the strategic communication process—an integration of marketing communication, public relations, and advertising—can be applied to sports communication for individual athletes, teams, and leagues. The book is founded on the premise that the strategic communication process in sport communication is grounded in understanding the fans and sources of revenue. Looking at sports globally, it offers readers the traditional multi-step, linear approach to strategic communication message development along with the transmedia narrative transportation method, a non-linear approach that centers on narratives to engage target audiences and urge them to contribute their own material to messaging. With case studies and practical examples, it also highlights additional issues such as race and gender, social media, ethics, and athlete health. It is an ideal text for undergraduate and graduate courses in public relations or strategic communication and sport communication. An online instructor’s manual accompanies the text, including lecture slides; a sample strategic sports communication plan; a test bank; links to key web sites that discuss sports and sports communication concerns; links to case studies with class discussion prompts; sample assignments; a sample course syllabus; and suggestions for further reading.
In Asia Communication and Media Forum (pp. 14–16). Beijing, China. Boynton, R.S. (n.d.). ... from http:// comScore ranks the top 50 U.S. digital properties for September 2014.
This is the first textbook to introduce the fundamental principles and practice of sport communication from an international perspective.
This text offers a survey of the discipline of sport communication.
Updated for this edition, Sport Communication at Work sidebars feature industry experts applying chapter content, and Profile of a Sport Communicator sidebars highlight professional opportunities.
This is the first book to explore public relations and communications in the sports industry in a global context.
One method of identifying messages and repeating them throughout an interview involves keeping in mind the rule of threes (Rowe, Alexander, Earl, & Esser, 2001). Write down the three message points that the organization deems the most ...
... Marketing and Sponsorship, 3, 54–81. doi:10.1108/ IJSMS-03-01-2001-B006 Gonçalves, B., Coutinho, D., Santos, S ... /what-are-pomeroy-college-basketball-ratings/fc7bff57-b177 -4c12-8912-69d0fcaf2e63_note.html Greenberg, N. (2017, ...
Bringing together preeminent international researchers, emerging scholars and practitioners, Paul M. Pedersen presents the comprehensive Encyclopedia of Sport Management, offering detailed entries for the critical concepts and topics in the ...
"Short, factual description of the book (summary of what it includes, without subjective or promotional language.) This classic but thoroughly updated introductory text is designed so students will understand sport management as a field of ...
The Routledge Handbook of Strategic Communication provides a comprehensive review of research in the strategic communication domain and offers educators and graduate-level students a compilation of approaches to and studies of varying ...