Introduction to a Social Worker

Introduction to a Social Worker
Social Science
The National Institute for Social Work Training


Originally published in 1964, this was an introduction to social casework, that is social work with individuals and families. It was written for students at the beginning of their training and, while intended for the social worker, it would also prove useful to other students of the social sciences and interesting to the ordinary citizen who wanted to know what social work could offer either to people in trouble or to those who adopted it as a career. The book was both authoritative and up-to-date at the time, in a field in which methods of training had evolved quite rapidly. To this its origin bears witness: the preparatory work was done by Miss Florence Mitchell, an experienced social worker and teacher of social casework. The book was shaped in consultation with other practitioners and teachers, including Dr Younghusband and Miss K. M. Lewis of the National Institute whose work had done so much to shape modern methods of training. The first chapter gives a picture of people who need the social worker’s help. It is followed by a brief survey of methods, by three chapters of case studies and by a final chapter on social work in the social services. The book thus combines a philosophy with practical guidance.

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