Social media has many advantages for professional communication – but it also carries considerable risks, including legal pitfalls. This book equips students and communication professionals with the knowledge and skills to help minimise the risks that can arise when they post or host on social media. It offers them strategies for taking advantage of the opportunities of social media while also navigating the ethical, legal, and organisational risks that can lead to audience outrage, brand damage, expensive litigation and communication crises. The book uses stakeholder theory and risk analysis tools to anticipate, identify, address and balance these opportunities and risks. It takes a global approach to risk and social media law, drawing on fascinating case studies from key international jurisdictions to explain and illustrate the basic principles. Whether you are a corporate communicator, social media manager, journalist, marketer, blogger or student you will find this book an essential addition to your professional library as the first reference point when social media and legal risks arise.
Including two new chapters that examine First Amendment issues and ownership of social media accounts and content, Social Media and the Law brings together thirteen media law scholars to address these questions and more, including current ...
Now you can establish sound social media policy quickly, because SocialMedia: Legal Risk and Corporate Policy gives you immediate access toconcise, comprehensive coverage.
Wat are the benefits and legal ramifications of social media use? What should be considered before using social media services? How much control do employers have over what their employees post online?
23, 2014, available at transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default)&__lrTS=20190218191833266&firstPage=true&bhcp=1. 168 Bradley Barth, President signs NIST Small Business Cybersecurity Act ...
This book will help an organization understand the risks present in social networks and provide a framework covering policy, training and technology to address those concerns and mitigate the risks presented to leverage social media in ...
Social media has been aptly described as a doubleedged sword for employers. Despite the obvious workrelated benefits, employee use of social media is not without considerable risk. Employees can inadvertently disclose sensitive company ...
Additionally, this book offers a companion website that was developed in parallel with the book and includes the latest updates and resources for topics covered in the book.
Social Media and the Law is a helpful resources for understanding the laws related to the use of social media.
Managing Enterprise Risk Phil Mennie ... 151–53, 150 checklist for 151 media materials for 152 roles, responsibilities and logistics for 153 planning and preparation (and) see also case studies examples of potential crises human ...
7 Dwyear, Grand, and White, “Social Media, Risk, and Policies.” 8 Sean Gardner, “Two Great Social Media Law Cases Involving Facebook and Linked-In,” The 2morrowknight, September 28, 2013, ...