Standards have benefits particular to the field of gifted education. In order to ensure equity and systematic talent search and programming, it is essential that current and future teachers are educated in the relevant theory, research, pedagogy, and management techniques important for developing and sustaining classroom-based opportunities specifically designed for gifted learners. By incorporating the 2013 NAGC/CEC Teacher Preparation Standards in Gifted and Talented Education, this guidebook helps university faculty at the undergraduate and graduate levels design or revise gifted education programs and partner with other educators in developing gifted education teachers.
*Ford, D., & Grantham, T. (2003). Parenting gifted culturally diverse children: Focus on education-related issues and needs. Understanding Our Gifted, 15, 12–17. *Ford, D., & Trotman, M. (2000). The office for civil rights and ...
Because the responsibility for teaching gifted learners and those with potential to achieve at high levels is often shared between gifted education program leaders and teachers in general and special education classrooms, this book shows ...
This guide is for leaders of pre-K-12 gifted education programs and for district personnel who are responsible for planning and implementing professional development activities for teachers at all levels of schooling.
This volume outlines how to use the NCATE-approved gifted education standards to determine professional development objectives for teachers and design and assess inservice training programs.
Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. ... Fugate, C. M., & Gentry, M. (2016). Understanding adolescent gi ed girls with ADHD: Motivated and a ieving. High Ability Studies, 27, 83-109. Fugate, C. M., Zentall, S. S., & Gentry, M. (2013).
In S. K. Johnsen & J. Clarenba (Eds.), Using the national gifted education standards for pre-k-grade 12 professional development (2nd ed., pp. 109-126). Waco, TX: Prufro Press. U.S. Department of Education. (2016).
Several states offer additional teacher preparation programs by providing either an endorsement or certification in the field, but these are often pursued by teachers specifically enrolled in gifted coursework rather than in general ...
Teaching Strategies in Gifted Education offers practical advice about teaching gifted kids. This book offers specific teaching strategies such as divergent-thinking instruction and independent study.
A Step-by-step Guide Susan K. Johnsen. THE PRACTICAL STRATEGIES SERIES IN GIFTED EDUCATION series editors FRANCES A. KARNES & KRISTEN R. STEPHENS Identifying Gifted Students A Step-by-Step Guide Susan K. Johnsen PRUFROCK.
The book describes—and demonstrates with specific examples from the CCSS—what effective differentiated activities in mathematics look like for top learners.